วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Make A Woman Cum: In 3 Easy Steps

Making a woman cum is the dramatic culmination of all attempts at sexual intercourse for men
Sex with a woman. His often our main goal, secondary and from our own sexual needs.

Why we men are like that with the question of how to make a woman obsessed with cum?
One reason may be that this topic is so taboo. You do not need to hear about at school or university, a place in each case, gathering some sexual experience.

But again, because the issuea taboo which is not (most people talk about their sexual experiences and the few, the stories, the exaggeration in the rule) to judge Theres no way to know how much you are in the bag.

Your partner can tell you brilliant in bed, and she can have orgasms. But once again, say not so, only do so, please, and keep your ego in check. A significant proportion of women, in fact, a recent survey, 33% of women false orgasms!

ThatKum said a woman is not an impossible task, there are things you can do to make your
Partner the best chance of an orgasm.

This article will show some of the strategies, the light on the question of how
Make A Woman Cum.

1) Start slow - a mistake made by many people is that they rush to the market. Not
Enter your partner and start stabbing at a fast pace, too fast, not what you want to do is

Beginning, but slow to start beating at different depths and angles. Although they were seeing their reactions and body language to see that, the joys of speed more displaced. Listening to his complaints and try to get an idea of his level of excitement as you try to push the speed and angle.

2) at the fair, your goal is the pleasure - Many men show their desire to please
a woman is priority number one, as they feel less manly. This is Big Mistake.

If you do not wish to enjoy not show, you'll never ask him what feels good and you like
Results will not be able to enjoy the highest degree.

If you want to know how to make a woman cum so take note, because this is where many people go wrong. Also note that works and what a woman does not always work for another, always naked eye.

3) Mix the relationship with external stimuli - MostWomen> have cum
Sex without vaginal penetration. In fact, the majority of women orgasm through clitoral stimulation.
So while sex is a good idea to stimulate the clitoris at the same time.
Obviously, the pleasure of your partner, which increases the chances of her having an orgasm.

Ok so can summarize what you learned today, the question of how to make a woman cum:

1) start slowly and the rhythmRemember to take note of your reactions to improve your technique.

2) You see them, your goal is pleasure, it gives you the opportunity to learn how you can improve your sexual experience.

Focus 3) not solely on the reports to try to stimulate the clitoris at the same time.

