วันเสาร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ancient Chinese Clothing - Styles and Fabric

The ancient Chinese clothing consisted mainly of clothing. While the women long tunics breath that bore reaches the earth, the men wore tunics reaching to the knees. The sleeves were wide and full of clothes and belts that are added as decoration. Darker colors are preferred those that are slight. Light clothing is usually worn by common people. The clothing of ancient Chinese origin has been identified as Han Chinese clothing. The Outfit is openThe hemp. With the addition of several dynasties, the hemp has undergone many changes.

Above all, there are three variants of the ancient Chinese clothing


2 piece ceremonial costume, consisting of a long tunic to the knees and worn with skirt or trousers to the ankle.

Chang p'ao

This is a floor-length dress piece.


A combination of the two former, a shenyi a 2-piece top and pants / skirt suit wassewn together to create a single piece of clothing.

The first recorded dynasty, the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-1000 BC's), developed the foundations of hemp and was tied together with a knee length tunic with a belt, called the Yi, with narrow sleeves, a narrow ankle length skirt, called shang. This was accompanied by a Bixi, with a length of fabric that reached the knees. As the technology is limited, are the only colors that are used, the primary colors red, blue, yellow and green. It "became aUnisex costume worn by men and women. Upper strata of society, of course, a more developed and the reasons in this context, even if the colors.

The next dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty succeeded the West to impose a social system in ancient Chinese clothing. This was shown by the complexity of their uniforms. More rank, extravagant and decorated their clothing. This was also the length of the skirt, the width of a sleeve and the degree ofOrnaments. In addition, the hemp will be flexible. The sleeves are wide and Yi was tied with a belt which was adorned with ornaments made of jade. Was despised by the left-handed, Yi was basically in a style as jiaoling Youre wound or from the front right known to the left.

The shenyi is in force under the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. It is a kind of a combination of a tunic and a skirt, where the top half and bottom were cut off separately, but sewn in a singleRoom. Another change that has left the dress was in a sort of border, could be rehabilitated directed forwards on the breast. This dress was quickly replaced.

In ancient Chinese clothes more traditional designs are easily unisex cut. However, as the dynasties changed, the gender shenyi. Men in general and the women wear trousers, skirts. Each dynasty had its own style as hempdeveloped.

During the winter months in ancient China were hot, people wear jackets over tunics. Although considered to be very common in China, but as a fabric made of silk was reserved for the rich. It was poor, hemp or ramie.

