วันเสาร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Prevention and treatment of Candida albicans yeast infections

This is an issue that many women may not discuss, but it is true that all four women in the world, three of them contract a yeast infection at least once. This report will be what is a yeast infection, how they maintain their contracts and how to treat and heal.

The condition, known as a yeast infection candida known as a medical, because it is a reproduction of the fungus Candida albicans, which naturallyin the body, where they prefer environments, dark and damp. Some symptoms of Candida overgrowth can be fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, skin infections, menstrual disorders, headaches and even a sense of desperation. Diffusion occurs when the immune system is not working properly. Then, the toxic substances can be produced by the yeast is not properly managed and begin to affect other parts of the body.

E 'typical of a yeastImbalance caused by changes in hormone levels, by factors such as pregnancy, menopause, use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives or steroids. Other causes include poor diet, stress, diabetes and diseases of the immune system.

Despite the availability of pharmaceutical solutions, such as draw on the counter and drugs to combat a yeast infection, many women, natural, cheaper alternatives to use somecan be as successful as medical treatment.

The adage that prevention is better than cure is certainly true in relation to Candida infections. Thus, we consider a series of preventive measures that can be practiced.

The fungus grows in warm and humid, it is better preservation of areas where infections can occur, dry and cool as possible. This particularly applies to the vagina and the groin. Rather than bear wearing synthetic underwearCotton trousers, as it lets air circulate better. Avoided for the same reason, to wear tight pants and jeans.

Another important factor is to be careful what you eat and drink. Stay away from too much sugar and yeast. This means, other than look at the consumption of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages and dairy yogurt, the good bacteria that help restore balance of intestinal flora contains. Try a diet that is low in general food rich in carbohydrates.Instead of potatoes, white pasta, white bread, pasta, white rice flour and regular low-carb alternatives to choose: to increase sweet potato, rye bread, whole wheat flour and basmati rice. Reference to book a low glycemic index cooking more ways to reduce the intake of carbohydrates.

